VENTURES is an adult educational program consisting of classes and workshops on a variety of religious, theological, and spiritual topics, meeting on Sunday nights around the church season of Lent.
Spiritual Formation Group begins in August and meets once a month through May. This group explores a variety of spiritual practices (contemplative prayer practices, hospitality, simplicity, developing a personal rule of living) and how to implement those practices into everyday living. This year the group will study a variety of contemplative resources. If you are interested, please contact Tom Lyda ( or call the church office at 405-329-2192.
Workshops and Seminars are sponsored throughout the year on a variety of topics of special interest.
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner is a gathering twice a year when members of First Christian Church gather in various homes for a meal and fellowship, sponsored by the Membership Department. Watch the Norman Christian for more information and a chance to sign up.